Rehabilitation of OSU Strand Agriculture Hall

By Hennebery Eddy

When completed in 1913, Agriculture Hall was the largest building on the Oregon State University [then called Oregon Agricultural College] campus.  One hundred years later, Hennebery Eddy Architects is providing design and historic preservation services for a $24 Million rehabilitation of the building.  The building is currently home to several colleges and departments, including its namesake, the College of Agricultural Sciences.  The unreinforced masonry building will receive a significant seismic upgrade, and accessibility and energy-efficiency improvements.  A gracious new entry plaza is being proposed for the west side of the building.  This plaza will provide universal access into the building, and will better connect the building to the campus’s Memorial Union Quad – a goal originally outlined in the Olmsted Brothers’ master plan for the campus.  In 2008, a large portion of the campus was designated the Oregon State University Historic District by the National Register of Historic Places.  The above image, an analysis of the building’s historical entry porticos, is being utilized to inform the design of the new west entry plaza.