Going South: SCUP-48

By Hennebery Eddy

Hennebery Eddy Architects has been an active member of the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) for several years. SCUP was established in 1965 to allow higher education planners and design professionals to share ideas about enhancing the campus experience. Through our participation in SCUP, we have helped shape current theories and practices of higher education design at the local, regional and international levels. SCUP encourages the sharing of success stories and lessons learned, to promote the advancement of the college and university environment.

Principal Tim Eddy will present at SCUP-48, this year’s annual conference in San Diego, along with Linda Gerber, President of Portland Community College Sylvania Campus. Tim and Linda will focus on the award-winning PCC Newberg Center and how the college was able to create a cultural shift within the institution toward sustainable building. This initial test case project was vital in the shift from theoretical policy changes to actual physical transformation.

Here’s a description of their presentation from the official SUCP-48 program:

Presentation Title – One Year In: Case Study Lessons in Achieving Net-Zero
Time and Date of Presentation – Monday, July 29th from 1:45pm to 2:45pm
Presenters: Tim Eddy and Linda Gerber, President, Portland Community College Sylvania Campus

Portland Community College (PCC) recently completed their first year of occupancy in the first higher education building in Oregon designed to net-zero; the five-classroom 13,500-square-foot building at PCC’s new center in Newberg, Oregon. Expanding on their successful presentation at the SCUP Pacific Regional Conference, this session will explore the leadership challenges the president faced in generating campus-wide support for the project and lessons learned from the first year of occupancy.

See you on the beach!