Bike Commute Challenge *update*

By Hennebery Eddy

We’re halfway through September and the Annual BTA Bike Commute Challenge, so it’s time to check in on how the team at Hennebery Eddy is performing this year. A holiday weekend and some less than desirable weather got the team off to a slow start, leaving us with some work to do if we are going to match our numbers from last year. We expected a drop in mileage (along with mileage dependent statistics), as several staff members have moved closer to the office in the past year, but we still hope to pass last year’s 32% commute rate. On the positive side we’ve had a few new riders and there are still two weeks left for us to catch up and reach our goal!


Tomorrow some of our dedicated riders will be “racing” the team at Mercy Corps up to Skyline Tavern for a happy hour BBQ and on Friday a group from our office will be taking a lunch time cruise over to Bridgeport Brewing!

Hennebery Eddy Architects stats through Sunday (9/15) compared to last year’s totals:

Days 15 30
Riders 18/37 38/38
Trips 77 213.5
Miles 468 1,888
Calories Burned 23,400 92,812
CO2 Saved (lbs) 458 1848
Commute Percentage 25% 32%

In other statistical news the Hawthorne Bridge Bike Barometer has tracked approximately 90,000 riders crossing the Willamette River this month and it will take a big last two weeks to break July’s record of 190,272.