Welcome Gnome: 10-foot-tall PDXGnome Lands in Beaverton

By Hennebery Eddy


Excerpt from The Oregonian for the Cedar Hills Apartments which was recently renovated by Hennebery Eddy Architects:

“The yet-to-be-named gnome was the finishing touch to a $6.5 million renovation to modernize the 43-year-old apartment complex.

The project architect suggested the giant gnome statue after being inspired by a long-time tenant of the complex, who collects gnomes, Ashworth said. The forested complex has a second more traditional gnome in its recreation center and a small one in its office.

‘It’s our mascot,’ Ashworth said. ‘It’s fun. Anything that puts a smile on someone’s face.'”

Read the full article on The Oregonian’s website.