Preservation Education: University of Oregon Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School

By Hennebery Eddy

Hennebery Eddy team member Josette Katcha (left) surveys CCC-era structures in Washington State Parks.

Josette Katcha, a member of Hennebery Eddy’s Historic Resources Group, will be a guest lecturer during the Session 2: Materials Intensive week of the University of Oregon’s 2017 Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School, located this year at Fenn Ranger Station in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest in Idaho. She will share the findings of Hennebery Eddy’s recent assessment of 1930s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) structures in Washington State Parks. Her architectural preservation lecture will focus on CCC/Works Progress Administration materials, conditions, and treatment recommendations. Josette will speak the evening of Monday, Aug. 21.

The Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School offers multiple week-long sessions of hands-on opportunities open to everyone. Attendees work at a project site each day, gaining practical experience working with preservation craftspeople, interspersed with demonstrations, discussions, and tours. Evening technical lectures are provided by regional professionals. For more information and applications, visit

historic park structure preservation

historic park structure preservation

Members of Hennebery Eddy’s Historic Resource Group have consistently participated in the architectural Preservation Field School. Last year, associate Carin Carlson, AIA, gave an evening lecture on paint color analysis, providing an overview of taking paint samples, analyzing under a microscope, and identifying historic colors and finishes.