Hennebery Eddy Recognized for Sustainable Design, Historic Preservation, and Interior Design Leadership

By Hennebery Eddy

Hennebery Eddy received three significant awards at the end of 2020, each recognizing the firm’s areas of specialized expertise.

Bend Science Station Learning Laboratories was honored with the AIA 2030 Award by the Oregon Architecture Awards. Located on the OSU-Cascades campus, the facility has a small physical and environmental footprint with a big net-positive impact, offering hands-on science learning to students from Central Oregon. Bend Science Station is enrolled in the Energy Trust of Oregon Path to Net Zero program and is one of the first buildings of its type in Central Oregon designed to achieve net-zero energy. Using a combination of rooftop solar panels, passive measures including building orientation and natural ventilation systems, and energy use reductions attained through high-efficiency heat pumps, water heaters, and lighting, Bend Science station is expected to produce more energy than it consumes. The project was also recognized with a Merit Award from the AIA Northwest and Pacific Region in 2019.

academic laboratory design Bend Science Station Hennebery Eddy Architects
Bend Science Station on the campus of OSU-Cascades.

For the fifth year, Restore Oregon honored Hennebery Eddy’s historic preservation work with a DeMuro Award. KEX Hotel, located in the former Vivian Apartments, is encircled by mid- to high-rise residential and mixed-use new construction in Portland’s inner eastside. Hennebery Eddy designed the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse into a hotel/hostel with a ground-floor gastropub and rooftop bar. The project included repair and restoration of exterior materials and features, including appropriate replacement of missing windows, damaged storefronts, and entrance features, a seismic retrofit, and energy-efficiency upgrades. The transformation of The Vivian into a desirable destination has improved the visual environment of the neighborhood and can serve as a template for the few other remaining streetcar-era buildings of its type.

Associate Ashley Nored, NCIDQ, LEED AP ID&C

IIDA Oregon honored Hennebery Eddy Architects associate and interior designer Ashley Nored with its first-ever Honorable Mention in Sustainable Leadership award. Since joining Hennebery Eddy, Ashley has championed sustainable design solutions in her project work and as a leadership on the firm’s net-positive committee. She advocates for early integration of sustainable design efforts into projects, including energy modeling, daylighting studies, and materials selection, and oversees the firm’s AIA 2030 Challenge and Design Data Exchange tracking efforts. Ashley has presented on both sustainability and interior design topics to industry peers and clients. Congratulations, Ashley!