Challenge On: Join the 2016 EcoChallenge

By Hennebery Eddy

Think of something you do on a daily basis without even realizing it – locking your door, reaching for your smartphone, or checking your watch for the time. While some behaviors are simple and become engrained with little effort or thought, others take time, intention and daily practice to become habits.

This month, Hennebery Eddy invites you to consider how your habits – both good and bad – impact the planet, and encourages you to form new ways to improve your relationship with the environment during the 2016 EcoChallenge, which kicks off on October 14 – one week from today. Now in its 6th year, the EcoChallenge is a friendly, competitive, community-building way to reduce your impact on the planet.

Joining the EcoChallenge is simple – visit and create your profile – then start your own team, or join one (we’d love to have you on ours!). Then, select your three challenges from the nine existing categories, or create your own. Get points now by adding a profile picture, posting daily updates and invite others to join your team. From October 14-28, complete your challenge and log your successes for even more credit. You can even win prizes along the way.

At the EcoChallenge launch party on October 6, organizers announced that participation has more than doubled since last year, and the Challenge is on track to include 10,000 participants in 2016! That’s a lot of positive, cumulative behavior change that can have a big impact on our planet. Be a part of it!

Finally, you can up the ante by competing with another organization, or by forming competing teams within your office or group. We’d be overlooking the bonus fun component if we didn’t give a shout out to our competitors at Hacker this year, and teams from PAE and Interface Engineering who graciously accepted our invitation to compete against each other. And to all other competitors this year, GAME ON!