Office Pin Up: Sharing Memories Through Photography

By Hennebery Eddy

At Hennebery Eddy, we believe that our work should foster delight in the human experience, and we find building solutions that make users feel special. Our firm practice bleeds into the everyday. From cherished moments with our families to inspirational travel, we seek moments that foster delight — and we document them.

Last week, our office gathered in our informal collaborative space to pin up photography. Given free rein in content and quantity, we covered our wall with images that exposed everything from fashion faux pas to family history, architectural marvels to milestone moments.


Our photos captured serendipity. Gregg shared a candid photo of his daughter, blissful on a hill, celebrating open air in Oregon. Micky recalled a day her niece sat at the top of the stairs, sun radiating behind her, as she snapped a photo that was later featured on an “Embrace Your Curls” segment for Good Morning America.


Our images document structure. Pooja detailed her experience shooting photography of an abandoned building in Cincinnati, allowing staff to admire its history prior to demolition. As architects, we couldn’t help admiring bygone and existing structures, including a special building on University of Oregon’s Campus, which caused staff alumni to reminisce and compare experiences in the space decades apart.


Our prints memorialize memory. Travel photos abounded, displaying sites from Santa Fe to Santorini, New York to Copenhagen. We shared laughter over a photo featuring a principal with Vegas caricatures; we experienced contemplation from snapshots of roads less travelled through backcountry Washington.


While our photos document joys we have experienced as individuals, our opportunity to share these memories with each other fostered delight in our office. Stay tuned for future collaboration and in-office pin up recaps, as these moments help us build community both inside and outside the workplace.