Bike Commute Challenge *update*

By Hennebery Eddy

We’re halfway through September and the Annual BTA Bike Commute Challenge, so it’s time to check in on how the team at Hennebery Eddy is performing this year. A holiday weekend and some less than desirable weather got the ...

It’s Bike Commute Challenge Month!

By Hennebery Eddy

  It’s September, which in Portland means (mostly) great weather and the Annual BTA Bike Commute Challenge. In recent years Portland has earned a reputation as the most bike friendly city in the country and according to this ...

Going South: SCUP-48

By Hennebery Eddy

Hennebery Eddy Architects has been an active member of the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) for several years. SCUP was established in 1965 to allow higher education planners and design professionals to share ideas ...

Trash Talk

by Lauren Loosveldt

You don’t have to be a product of the ’70s or even (cough, cough) the ’80s to know the mantra Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. While we’re already firm believers, we here at Hennebery Eddy have recently begun to question ...
architectural drawing

Twenty Years. Twenty Projects.

By Hennebery Eddy

To mark our 20th anniversary, we’ve put together a monograph that highlights the range of projects we’ve had the privilege of working on over the past 20 years.  Each of the selected works is represented by an image that best captures ...

What We’re Reading in 2013

By Hennebery Eddy

A few years ago, our office began the tradition of stocking our architectural library each year around the holidays, as a sort of year-end gift to ourselves.  This year we added 22 new titles to our collection (despite being in ...

Hennebery Eddy vs. The Invasive Ivy

By Hennebery Eddy

For our recent volunteer day, we spent a Saturday morning working with the No Ivy League to remove ivy in Forest Park. Hennebery Eddy staff members, along with friends and family, pulled up ivy vines and chopped them into bits to ...

September is for Bikers

By Hennebery Eddy

Portland, Oregon, is well known as the bicycle capital of the United States. With an extensive network of bike lanes and bike-commute-friendly routes, the city is a haven for bike enthusiasts from hipster to executive. It might ...