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Michael Scott AIA



Registered Architect: Oregon

LEED Green Associate

American Institute of Architects, Member

Michael Scott AIA


Portland, OR

“I truly enjoy learning about people and the process of synthesizing this knowledge into creative and contextual design solutions that positively impact their lives and the life of the planet. Within design, materiality, historically/contextually responsive forms and resilient/adaptive solutions excite me.”

Michael has demonstrated skill as a designer on both historic and new buildings, including the rehabilitation of Oregon State University’s Cordley Hall and its new District Utility Plant located in OSU’s historic district. His work also focuses on critical public facilities such as emergency response and administration facilities. An open-minded collaborator and effective communicator, Michael brings creative thinking and attention to detail to his work, resulting in clear concepts and documents. He approaches projects with a broad lens of understanding and focus on listening first to learn more about the context of a problem and create responsive solutions. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from California Polytechnic State University.


Registered Architect: Oregon

LEED Green Associate

American Institute of Architects, Member