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Pearl Kang AIA



Registered Architect: New York

LEED Green Associate

American Institute of Architects, Member

Pearl Kang AIA


Portland, OR

What excites me most about architecture is the potential it has to positively impact our daily lives. Good architecture can enhance the community it serves, create a meaningful place, and enable change and growth.”

Pearl is licensed as an architect in New York state and brings more than 10 years of professional experience on award-winning commercial and institutional projects, spanning all phases of work including programming, concept design, value and cost analysis, and project management. A versatile designer with the ability to analyze a project from the macro to the micro scale, Pearl ensures the inclusion of each project’s unique goals into even the small details of a space. Pearl holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Southern California.


Registered Architect: New York

LEED Green Associate

American Institute of Architects, Member