Bozeman development

Bozeman Cannery District

Founded in 1917, the Bozeman Canning Company once sat at a crossroads of the Northern Pacific Railroad and the 17,000 acres of edible peas growing in the Gallatin Valley — known as the “Sweet Pea Capital of the Nation.” Now referred to as the Cannery District, this former industrial area has been revitalized into a vibrant part of Bozeman’s Northeast Neighborhood. Over more than 15 years, the Comma-Q Studio completed a comprehensive master plan and several adaptive reuse designs, new construction buildings, and interior tenant renovations on this 14-acre site that sits along an entry corridor into the city.

This Bozeman development has become a community gathering place, housing a variety of retail, dining, and high-tech businesses. Celebrating agrarian roots, the designs preserve and enhance the historic structures, while compatible new buildings and significant landscaping unify interior and exterior spaces. The Cannery District demonstrates a sensitivity in promoting growth that honors the site’s character and context. Our Comma-Q Studio continues to play an important role in transforming this previously overlooked corner of town into an architecturally significant neighborhood hub. Projects were completed in partnership with Montana Avenue Partners LLC, Cannery District Partners LLC, Langlas & Associates, and Archer Construction.

Bozeman development
The Comma-Q Studio designed a comprehensive master plan for the Cannery District, as well as several of the adaptive reuse and new buildings on the site.

Project Contact

Ben Lloyd AIA


Award for Excellence in Neighborhood Revitalization, Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board, 2018
Historic Preservation Award for Landscaping, Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board, 2022