Cedar Hills Apartments

To revitalize this 1970s apartment complex and make it more attractive to potential renters in both appearance and function, Hennebery Eddy identified opportunities for strategic, maximum-value improvements. Design concepts focus on refreshing the two-building complex with a modern feel inspired by the era in which it was originally built. We upgraded public spaces, entries, and exterior balconies to create a welcoming atmosphere, and increased transparency at building entrances to clarify circulation and create places where people want to linger. A significant project goal was to upgrade the existing public amenities. Prominently located in the core, a new cedar-clad amenities building provides accessible public space, uses passive systems, and creates a sense of community. Enhanced exterior finish details and completely renovated landscaping focused on indigenous plants also help create a welcoming “resort” atmosphere.

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Site Plan Before
Site Plan After

Project Contact

Jon McGrew AIA DBIA Hennebery Eddy Architects Portland
Jon McGrew AIA