Oregon State University Strand Agriculture Hall Rehabilitation

After decades of infill projects and poorly conceived modifications, this 100-year-old historic classroom building had become dark and outdated, with minimal appeal and a lack of social spaces. Hennebery Eddy helped Oregon State University transform the building into a modern learning environment, while retaining the character of the original building.

OSUStrandHall_110525_Historic-Photo of Horse & Buggy

A new entrance portico and terrace were integrated into the west elevation, providing a high-profile entrance and heightened identity fronting the campus quad and historic district. The interior floor plates were reorganized along with a full seismic upgrade, all new building systems, ADA/universal accessibility, and passive energy conservation measures — which vastly increased energy efficiency.

What began as a simple and straightforward program element — ADA/universal access entrances — was combined with social spaces and art to form three building hearths. Large translucent glass marker-walls, in combination with fixed and mobile furniture, allow students to use and arrange each hearth to their needs. The three hearths have energized the building with activity and quickly became social hubs where students gather, collaborate, eat, and study.

“It’s a thrill to see this building restored and renewed far beyond its former glory. Strand Ag Hall is now an open, accessible space; it’s a seismically safe place; and it’s a beautiful space to invite people to explore agricultural sciences.”

  — Dan Arp, College of Agricultural Sciences

For an in-depth look at the design process for Strand Ag Hall, view the project monograph.

View Monograph