national park condition assessment

Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park Transportation Co. Building Rehabilitation

In Progress

The Yellowstone Park Transportation Co. constructed the Transportation Building in 1925 at the park’s north entrance to transition tourism from stagecoaches to automobiles. The Moderne Style concrete industrial structure was a marked departure from the predominant Rustic Style of the park and a direct response to the “modern age” of the automobile. Hennebery Eddy completed a comprehensive condition assessment and documentation for a rehabilitation of this 61,000-square-foot building that continues to serve park vehicles in need of maintenance and repair, as well as parks concessioners as a human resources office.

Our assessment included both exterior and interior structure and systems, surveyed from the ground, roof, and via boom lift. We prepared an Historic Structure Report to guide the National Park Service and consessioner Xanterra in long-term use and treatment, in compliance with the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. We also completed construction documents for rehabilitation and seismic stabilization that will improve building safety and performance in the harsh winter climate while being compatible with the historic character. Over the years, many of the steel windows had been infilled or covered; they will be restored, along with repairs to degraded concrete and terra cotta and a roof replacement to limit ice and snow accumulation. Construction will begin in 2023.

Project Contact

Will Ives AIA